Thursday, June 14, 2012

June Meeting - Ice Cream Social

It's been hot and humid here, as in other parts of the country.  We kept it cool with an ice cream social at the meeting.  While we sat, enjoying our treat, each member was asked to offer a piece of needlework advice.  There are so many but here are some highlights:

>  Stitch for as long as you want, can be 10 min or 10 hours
>  Stitch with a friend
>  Stitching sets you free
>  If you're not having fun, don't do it
>  Must breathe, don't hold your breath, get up and move around, wash hands periodically and don't eat while stitching
>  Never let threads dangle, always leave on top of your work
>  Take photos of your work as you go along.

Some finishes to enjoy:

by Lynn M

Bargello Pillow by Sheila

Progress on our Linda Reinmiller Correspondance Course by two of our members: